A (Proper) Video Strategy Sets Your Content Up For Success

Producing Videos Ad Hoc? You’re Smothering the Format’s Potential

By Colter Hettich

August 3, 2021
A proper video strategy is the only way to unleash its power.

It’s easy to think about video ad hoc, or even in a series — someone has a great idea, you know the process can be time- and labor-intensive, so you feel pressure to get the ball rolling ASAP. But it’s essential you have a video strategy, and that means more than just dedicating a slice of annual budget to video. You need to sit down with your overall content strategy, and add another layer: Who is your video audience really? What are they looking for via video? What channels are they in? What types of video are they engaging with? What’s their attention span?

Imprint Managing Partner Andy Seibert joins the Global Voices panel to discuss why an ad hoc approach to video sets you up for failure, and how to think about video as you prepare for 2022. They also touch on:

  • Where to emphasize video in the funnel. It can depend on a number of things, including the product itself, the size of the desired commitment or purchase, the results of your persona work and much more.
  • Marketing video vs. advertising. When it comes to raising awareness, it can be hard to distinguish a marketing video from an outright ad. Is this a distinction worth making?
  • What does the future of video look like? Interactive video, for example, will play an increasingly prevalent role, as it offers a way to combine the consideration and decision phases.
  • Five examples of success. Each of the panelists bring a video they think hits the mark, and explain why.

Andy is joined by Wardour Executive Chairman Martin MacConnol, SJC Content Executive Vice President Jacqueline Loch, Indigo Managing Director Munni Trivedi, and Spoon Production Manager Lars-Petter Steen.

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